Dr. Van Kien Pham

Dr. Van Kien Pham

Lecturer in International Economics Faculty Banking University Ho Chi Minh city

Research interests
International business, Business management, Marketing, Consumer behavior

1. Overview:

Dr. Pham is a lecturer of International Economics faculty, Banking University, and a non-resident Fellow of Asia University, Taiwan. He joined HUB in 2014. He is teaching Quantitative method and Applied Econometrics course at both MSc and undergraduate levels. His research covers a variety of topics related to International business, Business management, Marketing, Consumer behavior.
Dr. Pham has a strong business background. his research interests include: supply chain management, outsourcing, and consumer behavior, innovation of technology, and strategic management. His articles have been presented in top international conferences like PICMET or IEEM as well as published at various well-known journals in the world such as Journal of Testing and Evaluation, International Business Research, etc

2. Qualifications:

Ph.D.in Business Administration.

3. Employment:

– Lecturer in International EconomicsFaculty of Banking, 2014 – present

4. Selected Publications:

[1] Van Kien Pham, Tran Le Nguyen., and Dinh Luan Nguyen. (2019). “MODELING VIETNAMESE REPURCHASE INTENTION TOWARD KOREAN COSMETICS, Proc. of the Ninth Intl. Conf. on Advances in Economics, Social Science and Human Behaviour Study- ESSHBS 2019 ISBN No. 978-1-63248-175-7 DOI : 10.15224/978-1-63248-175-7-05
[2] Anh, T., Hanh, P., Cam, L., Van, K &Dinh, L. (2019). A study of the factors affecting the content created by international travellers in Vietnam.Management Science Letters , 9(12), 2051-2062.
[3] V. Pham, W. Wong, M. Moslehpour, and D. Musyoki, “Simultaneous Adaptation of AHP and Fuzzy AHP to Evaluate Outsourcing Service in East and Southeast Asia,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation 48 (in press). https://doi.org/10.1520/JTE20170420.
[4] V. Pham, A. Hoang, and H. Thanh, “Evaluating the Best Outsourcing Service Country in the Southeast Asian Region: A Fuzzy-AHP Approach,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation 46, no. 5 (2018): 2227-2239. https://doi.org/10.1520/JTE20150331
[5] Pham Van Kien&MassoudMoslehpour, (2017), “Multiple Criteria Model Study of Outsourcing Service Countries in the East and Southeast Asia” Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt,Vol 6, No 3 (2017).
[6] MassoudMoslehpour, Wing-Keung Wong, Kien Van Pham, Carrine K. Aulia, (2017) “Repurchase intention of Korean beauty products among Taiwanese consumers”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 29 Issue: 3, pp.569-588, https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-06-2016-0106
[7] Chen, Shieh-Liang, Pham, V. K, & Chen, James K. C, (2016) “Evaluating and Selecting the Best Outsourcing Service Country in East and Southeast Asia: An AHP Approach,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 1–13, http://dx.doi.org/10.1520/JTE20140065. ISSN 0090-3973
[8] James K. C. Chen and Van Kien Pham. (2014). A Study on Knowledge Flows of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells’. Foresight – The journal of Future Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy, Vol. 16 (3), pp.229-249
[9] MassoudMoslehpour and Van Kien Pham. (2014). Differences of Customer Purchase Behavior toward Organic Rice in Indonesia and Taiwan. InternationalJournal of Quality and Service Science, vol. 6 (4), pp.348-368.
[10] MassoudMoslehpour and Pham Van Kien. (2013). Consumer Behavior, Attitude and Perception toward Modern Trade Stores in Rural Vietnam. Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 9 (1), pp. 1-24.
[11] MassoudMoslehpour., Van Kien Pham., and Selman Yumnu. (2013). The Mediating Effect of Quality and Prestige on the Relationship between Brand Globalness and Purchase Likelihood of HTC Mobile Phone, International Business Research, Vol. 7(1), pp. 94-108.
[1] Pham, V. K & Nguyen, N. T, (2018) “A Study on optimal outsourcing service nation in the east and Southeast Asian region: A comparison between AHP and Fuzzy AHP approach” Applications, Studies in Computational Intelligence 760, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73150-6_62.
[2] Tran A. T., Pham V. K., Ho, T. P, (2018) “The Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Investor Purchase Decision: The Case Study of Hose” Econometrics for Financial Applications, Studies in Computational Intelligence 760, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73150-6_72.
[3] Munkh-Ulzii John Batmunkh., MassoudMoslehpour., Van Kien Pham, (2018), “Empirical Models of Herding Behaviour for Asian Countries with Confucian Culture” Predictive Econometrics and Big Data Publisher: Springer, Cham
[4] Chen, J. K. C., Van Kien Pham., and Yuan, B. J. C. (2013). Adopting AHP approach on evaluation and selection of outsourcing destination in East and Southeast Asia, Technology Management in the IT-Driven Services (PICMET), 2013 Proceedings of PICMET ’13, San Jose, CA.
[5] Chen, J. K. C., Pham, V. K., Fang Chi Lin., Yi-Ren Chen. (2013). Studying the Patent of Technology Development on Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, Technology Management in the IT- Driven Services (PICMET), 2013 Proceedings of PICMET’13, San Jose, CA.
[6] Chen, J. K. C., Van Kien Pham., Chih-Sung Chang., and Nguyen Thi Le Huyen. (2013). Reviewing Multiple Criteria Model for Evaluation and Selection of Outsourcing Service Countries: A Case Study in the East and Southeast Asia, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, Bangkok, Thai Lan.
5. Proposals
Over the last two decades, outsourcing has been considered a key vehicle for firms to narrow their business operations and focus on core competencies. Recently, outsourcing has also been seen as a key source of innovation. In line with this trend, an increasing number of researches have been carried out to aid firms in figuring out the optimal outsourcing service destinations. Unfortunately, most of these studies only emphasized a specific field at the company level, so a complete framework in this field has never been done before. This study therefore attempts to address this research gap by constructing an outsourcing network model including the most concern attributes such as cost competitiveness, human resources, business environment, and government policies. Each criterion itself would be supported by several-subcriteria. With respect to these criteria, various typical countries in the Asia Pacific region are selected to serveas alternatives. This paper applied the fuzzy analytic network process to help decision-makers identify themost important dimensions and the optimal outsourcing service country. As a result, the higher the priorities weights, the more important the criterion or the alternative will be. Generally, the key objectives of this project are to:
1) Determine the most concerned criteria for an outsourcing decision, whereby DMs can be able to save their time when making outsourcing actions.
2) Apply ANP’s theory to construct a comprehensive model at the country level for every industry. This model presents all possible criteria and the most attractive destination in the Asia Pacific region.
3) Evaluate the most important criteria and the optimal outsourcing service country through the Fuzzy ANP approach.
4) Conclude the most important criterion and the optimal outsourcing service location in the Asia Pacific region.
Vietnam now is booming with start-ups, especially in technology. However, there are not many papers about determinants on the success of technology start-ups in Vietnam and the impact of incubators on start-up success. Therefore, this paper studies the Vietnamese start-up ecosystem, characteristics of Vietnamese technology start-ups, determinants on the success of these technology start-ups, and the impact of incubators on start-up success. In doing so, this research studies previous research papers to draw out internal and external factors impacting the success of start-ups. Then combining interviews in-depth of 20 Vietnamese start-up managers or founders and construct a hierarchy model via the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach. Six largest incubators in Vietnam were chosen for analyzing their impact on start-up success. In addition, the case study of incubators in Taiwan, Korea, and China will be discussed in this paper to draw the experiences for Vietnamese incubators. This paper will be valuable to policymakers to understand obstacles or difficulties which are keeping Vietnamese start-ups from scaling up and the role of incubators. Hence, they can learn from Taiwanese incubators and implement open and more flexible investment policies and remove unnecessary sub-licenses.

Theme 3: The Multiple Criteria Model for Evaluating and Selecting the Outsourcing Service Company in Vietnam
Outsourcing services are one of the areas that create a lot of employment opportunities for Vietnamese businesses. However, local businesses still have limited access to these opportunities. So what is the restriction here? What are the problems facing foreign enterprises looking for Outsourced Services in Vietnam? What key factors are they considering?
From this point of view, the topic focuses on setting up a comprehensive model of standards used to evaluate Vietnamese companies providing Outsourced Services. It is easier for foreign companies to make the decision of choosing an outsourcing provider in Vietnam. While Vietnamese companies also grasp the key factors that their partners are keen to have appropriate strategies to attract more orders from companies from other countries.
In order to achieve the above objective, the authors use the quantitative method of applying the decision-making model (MCDM) by combining the fuzzy set and the hierarchical modeling (AHP) theory. By doing so, all of the factors mentioned in the research model will be weighted based on assessments by industry experts to determine the importance of the factors. In addition, the sensitivity of decision makers will also be established when the factors in the model change


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